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Running a 66 piece orchestral session with StaffPad…

I recently had a 66 piece orchestral session and decided to produce all scores and parts with StaffPad alone. This is stretching the pu...

Thursday, September 08, 2011

...en Forme de Poire

Time for the pear harvest!!! It feels like we've had millions of them off our one pear tree and we've been busy making pear puree, pear cake, pear pie, pear sorbet, pear wine etc... We're also going to be trying pear brandy and are looking for a good recipe.

It won't be long before the apples start. We've got a Bramley tree and another very fragrant eater. Unless the cider pressing day is bought forward, we'll be making wine with them this year rather than scrumpy.

I have a TX date for the third series of Highland Emergency which I wrote the music for...The series begins on Channel 5 on Wednesday 14th September at 7.30pm...Also on Channel 5 HD at the same time.

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