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Running a 66 piece orchestral session with StaffPad…

I recently had a 66 piece orchestral session and decided to produce all scores and parts with StaffPad alone. This is stretching the pu...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lundy and Bluebird

I've just completed a duo for violin and 'cello called ÉLEMÉNTS DE 'PATAPHYSIQUE. As I menteioned before, it's the first piece I've written on Sibelius, the music notation software. I found the earlier versions of this very hard to get to grip with, but I now am pretty speedy on the excellent version 6.

I also discovered the pocket sized Moleskine music notepads which I used to make notes for the duo. I used to write directly onto manuscript paper and found this a very nice way to work...I used to enjoy having a break to sharpen my pencil!!! I've found a new way of working which is to make notes by hand in the notebooks and then put these into Sibelius at a later date. So, I still get the nice tactile part of making the notes by hand, but I can work on different parts of the score whenever I like (ie. do the big finish first!!!) as well as having the luxury of printing the parts out.

So, with this in mind, I went to Lundy with a Moleskine notepad with the intention of making notes for my orchestral overture, Bluebird. A dozen of us went over...It was a visit organised by my old schoolpal Pal and his wife and family (and our two Godchildren), his sister and brother-in-law and his wife's sister, husband and two children. In-between walks and rough and tumble and a good time had by all, I took the opportunity to sit admiring views like these...

...and make some notes...

Lundy is a tiny island in the Bristol Channel between England and Wales. It has fantastic scenery and wildlife and was incredibly tranquil (we were very lucky with the weather...It can get very stormy!!! It features every day on the Radio 4 shipping forecast). Check Lundy out HERE

My next trip is to the USA in about three weeks (will be taking notepad then too!!!)...Will post more info soon.

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