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Running a 66 piece orchestral session with StaffPad…

I recently had a 66 piece orchestral session and decided to produce all scores and parts with StaffPad alone. This is stretching the pu...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Originally uploaded by garry.judd

There's an interview with me on the AJA website...Here is the address...


Monday, March 21, 2011

The Shipping Forecast On Lundy

The Shipping Forecast On Lundy
Originally uploaded by garry.judd

Writing music on Lundy again!!!

This time a three part suite for oboe and string orchestra.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Wales This Week...More info...

Here is a link to Wales This Week. I arranged the title music for the show's relaunch...

Wales This Week

The show is on every Tuesday at 7.30pm.

Here are a few more shows over the next week which I wrote the music for...

Giant Octopus is on NatGeoWild and NatGeoWild HD  on 12th MArch at 10pm.

The Hottest Place On Earth is showing on BBC HD on Monday 14th March at 9pm

My Greek Kitchen is showing regularly on DMAX and Discovery Realtime.